The offer of research and lecture stays for academic staff of universities in Czechia is based on contractual obligations between the Czechia and the partner country. Candidates are responsible for finding a host university in their field of study.
In the first phase, applicants apply to the Czech partner - the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MoYES). Aplicants submit an online scholarship application with the required documents in Czech by the deadline (see below). MoEYS will confirm whether the applicant will be included in the list of nominated candidates. As a prerequisit for the scholarship reward, the nominated candidate must obtain a letter of acceptance from the foreign host university. The final decision on the acceptance of the nominated candidate rests with the foreign partner.
For information about the stay length, number of scholarship places, requirements for the candidate and other conditions, please refer to the offer details.
The scholarship is funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.